Four-Week Real Estate Wholesaling Virtual Training with MARILYN PINTO

DATE: November 7, 14, 21, 27

TIME: 7:00 PM -8:30 PM


Reserve Your Spot TODAY!!

Starting Thursday, October 10, and continuing through October 31, I will again be holding my now-famous and highly effective Four-Week Wholesaling Intensive, and I want you to join me. I’ve been blessed to change many lives for the better through the Intensive, and I want you to be next.


Here’s How The Intensive Works: 


·        There will be four weekly live group training sessions. No Information Overwhelm here. Each Thursday, starting, October 10, you will be taught specific aspects of the business that you need to master. One piece at a time. You’ll then have an entire week to apply what you’ve learned, before going to the next step…learning and implementing at the same time. Extremely effective!

·        You will be assigned homework. The action takes place in the real world, not in the classroom. You’ll have an entire week to complete your homework – in the real world. And you’ll have your Marilyn to answer your questions and to advise you. How’s that for hand-holding?

·        We will PARTNER with you on any deal you find! We’ll do the deal with you and split the profits. That’s the ULTIMATE in hand-holding! No more theory. We’ll get in the deal with you. If you don’t succeed, we don’t succeed, either. And I hate failure!

·        You’ll have built-in accountability to keep you on target. Let’s face it, we all do better when someone or something is holding us accountable, don’t we? And between your Marilyn, the thought of coming to class without having done anything during the week, and the weekly deadlines themselves, you will be motivated to stay on track, even when you don’t always feel like it. That, in itself, is a game-changer!


What You’ll Learn – And Apply – During The Intensive

Here’s just a sampling of what you will learn…and do, with Marilyn’s help…during the Four-Week Wholesaling Intensive starting October 10:

  • Where to look and how to find good wholesale deals

  • How to find deals without ever leaving your home No Band-It signs and no marketing expense! Save your gas for the pleasure trips you can soon afford to take!

  • The secrets to finding great deals on the MLS

  • How to determine market value quickly (no realtor required)

  • Estimating repairs

  • Filling out the contract

  • How to assign your contract

  • How to negotiate with listing agents


Wow, that’s a lot! And it’s just a sampling of what we’ll be covering, step by step, during the Four-Week Wholesaling Intensive starting October 10.

Aren’t you glad that you have four weeks, not just one day, to learn and apply all of this? And that you’ll be applying it step-by-step during the Intensive, not all at once after a one-day brain dump? And that you’ll be assigned a Marilyn to help you every step of the way?

If you’re at all serious about exploding your Wholesaling business, my Four-Week Wholesaling Intensive is your best chance at rapid success. The formula works. It has transformed other investors just like you. And it will work for you, too.

The only question is the price, and you’re going to love my answer!



 The Price

What would it be worth to finally break through whatever barriers have been keeping you from success, and have been keeping you frustrated instead? To have four weeks instead of one day to learn and apply the material? To have Marilyn to help you every step of the way? And to be able to partner with me on that first deal, or more, if you wish?

It would be worth a lot, wouldn’t it? But the good news is that I actually make most of my money from these Intensives from deal flow, not the tuition itself. So, rather than the $1,000-$1,500 or so that I could easily charge for the Intensive, my strategy is to charge less, so more people can participate. That way, more deals will come out of the group, which means a bigger payday for me, as well as success for more students. A true Win-Win.

So, the price for the Four-Week Wholesaling Intensive, including four live weekly sessions, homework, a personal Marilyn to work with you, and the ability to partner with me on your deals, is just $897.



Why $897?

Because at that price, it’s low enough that most people can afford it, but it’s enough of an investment that the tire-kickers and Looky-Lous will be screened out. Those guys are not willing to do the work, so no Marilyn in the world is going able to help them. Worse yet, they tend to bring down the rest of the class and waste the Marilyn’s and my time. I’m not going to let that happen! My commitment to you is to give you every chance at success. And part of keeping that commitment is making sure that the group consists only of serious and dedicated people.


Is that you? Are you ready?

For only $897 you get information, application, coaching, accountability, and partnering, all happening at the same time. And you get a class of students who are just as serious as you are about real estate success. All for about one-fourth of what I could charge and still be very fair.



*We Also Accept Payments via VENMO, ZELLE, and CREDIT CARD please text 281-806-9743 for instructions. 


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